▌Adaptive Flush Fast/Soft
JET 100
Thoroughly and carefully, these products clean engine oil system from any kind of contamination and prepare the oil system for new oil. They are recommended for application before oil change: when changing to another type of oil (e.g. from mineral to semi-synthetic oil), oil viscosity, other brand name. For better results, products should be used every time you change oil. The products are applied for gasoline and diesel engines of all types. Safe for turbochargers.
Adaptive Flush Fast
Adaptive Flush is added into used motor oil before oil change. Flushing is carried out at idling during 15-20 min.
Adaptive Flush Soft
It is introduced into used motor oil before oil change. Flushing is carried out at idling for 15-20 min or 20-30 km drive.
If thorough flushing is needed, the run with oil and flush can be increased up to 150-200 km. The product restores mobility of oil- and compressor rings.
It is used in a number of procedures for oil system flushing to a technical purity level (run using oil with flushing fluid up to 1000 km).