XADO Luxury Drive
Synthetic motor oil. Contains revitalizant.
Applied in passenger cars and small trucks.
Application temperature range
-30 °С── +45 °С
• A perfect motor oil for automobiles of luxe category
• Due to the complex base, containing esters, provides an immaculately easy start by low temperatures, noiseless and smooth engine operation by all possible operation modes and conditons.
• Universally applied to gasoline, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and diesel engines.
• Efficient for modern automobiles with high-powered engines, including multivalve, turbocharged, with direct injection and equipped with intercooler.
• Maintains high operational properties by extended oil change intervals.
Requirements and approvals
Meets the requirements of the following specifications
▌SAE 0W-40 ▌API SN |
▌ACEA A3/B4 ▌BMW-LL-01 |
▌MB 229.5
▌ VW 502.00/505.00